The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2019 is a collection of articles on current issues and hot topics in commercial and investment arbitration. The present edition contains 27 contributions from altogether 71 leading practitioners and academics. The Yearbook encompasses contributions dealing with the future of arbitration and innovation, the impact of artificial intelligence and the future of soft laws. The Vienna Innovation Propositions identify among others new fields and ways of arbitration. Other issues addressed are • consumer arbitration in Europe, • arbitrating cartel infringements and tax issues • the impact of One Belt One Road Initiative • developments in Austria, Paris, Hungary, Taiwan and of course the much debated Prague Rules. The chapter on Investment Arbitration deals with the recurring idea of an ISDS appeals mechanism, the nature of state consent in BITs, the local remedies rule in non-ICSID investment arbitration and recently incorporated procedural innovations in USMCA and CETA.